Wavehenge Key West!

It has been a crazy, crazy year and so, so much has happened it is hard to know where to start. So let's start with the biggest:

Turns out that NYC rent is “too damn high” even for inanimate objects. So like many folks, Wavehenge has moved out to the 'burbs...

...way out...

to Truman Waterfront Park in Key West Florida.

Above: Wavehenge being unloaded and installed in Key West

Above: Honored to grace the front page of the local newspaper!

If you asked yourself, “Wait, but wouldn't moving a giant sundial to the southernmost location in the continental United States change how it works?” you would be correct. And also a nerd. Welcome to the club!

Many hours modeling the new solstice / equinox shadow alignments


In other news...


My wall sculpture “Emerge” was chosen as the featured image for an online exhibition curated by the Sculptor's Guild.


Thank you Libby Mattern for falling in love with Fibonacci Lines
and giving them a new home!

Thank you Libby for patiently waiting for me to rebuild this wireless light sculpture to be plug-in rechargeable (and therefore much more user-friendly).


Aaaaaand lastly is a new public-art sculpture proposal
I have been submitting around the country.

“FROM_ORION” is an accurate three dimensional representation of the stars in the constellation Orion reconstructed from NASA data.

The constellation is outlined on the inside of the domed “firmament”, mimicking our view from earth.


~ miscellaneous ~


I somehow forgot to link to the wonderful article Michael Gartland wrote on us back in April. Mike, thank you for the weeks you spent interviewing, writing, gathering photos, and pushing for our story to get published.

I have been asked to join the Board of Directors at the Fat Cat Fab Lab in order to help it stay afloat. Our volunteer PPE efforts have wrapped, but many members have left and/or moved away, and we have another fiscal crisis on our hands. As we work on better long term solutions, we are graciously accepting donations.

Please mention my name if you do!
For larger donations, contact me and I will make sure it goes through our official 501(c)(3) not-for-profit sponsor.

I am always looking for new projects and collaborations, so please do not hesitate to reach out.

Stay well!


Happy Solstice Holidays!


What Pandemic?