What Pandemic?

Well thankfully that's over...

What? Oh, nevermind...

Making face shields for the past few months has been an interesting ride, though tapering off as the “new normal” evolves. To date, our collective of makerspaces delivered 37,267 face shields, 26,164 reusable masks, and hundreds of nebulizers and other PPE.

72,306 in total

and I got my picture in the New York Daily News

With the need for PPE tapering down and things reopening,
I am finally shipping this to the wonderful folks that commissioned a custom sculpture:

Flying Fish (2020)

Which is also featured in a new book by the illustrious Cosima Ene:

If not obvious by the name, it is a collection of artist interviews during The Great Quarantine including a page by yours truly.

available at Amazon in paperback and kindle

And I am finally back to finishing some new works:

Rectangle (2020)
with maquette (aka real-world ‘sketch’)

Oh, and just because it took so much effort to make the sculpture base, here it is, all by itself. Innumerable coats of paint, finish, and hand sanding to create an almost-perfect surface.

almost-perfect - I'll try to do better next time :)


Wavehenge Key West!


Doing what we can